Dream Mall

Since its opening in 2007, Dream Mall attracts more than 20 million customers annually, becoming one of the most discussed tourist attractions in Taiwan. In addition, the blue whale-shaped building exterior and the Ferris Wheel “Eye of Kaohsiung” on its rooftop, both make the mall an iconic landmark on the island.

Dream Mall accommodates more than 1,000 domestic and global brands, and contains a variety of types of business ranging from catering to entertainment to shopping. The mall also integrates the concept of participation, recreation and education into the core of business. As a result, over 400 events take place each year, among which are big events such as i-Sharing, Dream Carnival, Air Balloon Parade & OPEN RUN and New Year’s Eve Countdown Concert, all drawing the attention of enthusiastic customers nationwide and globally.

With the core values including “attentive service, innovative life and the pursuit of comprehensive life experiences,” Dream Mall dedicates to bring customers a diversity of choices as well as comprehensive shopping experiences, and creating a shopping atmosphere full of happiness and dreams.

In addition, the mall remains devoted to helping customers in find satisfaction in both daily needs items and fashion trends, and enhancing their quality of life by providing brand-new services and a rich assortment of goods by providing new, creative and different experiences.

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夢時代購物中心自2007年開幕營運,每年均吸引超過2,000萬以上來客人潮,成為台灣最具話題性的觀光景點,藍鯨造型的建築及頂樓的高雄之眼摩天輪更成為全國指標性地景,並榮獲2008 ICSC 亞洲購物中心大獎「國際設計與開發類」銀牌獎,為台灣第一個購物中心開發案取得此殊榮。2014年經SGS評鑑,成為全台灣第一家以全類別服務通過ISO認證之購物中心。

夢時代舘內匯集了國內外1,000個以上知名品牌進駐,除了整合餐飲、娛樂、購物等多元化業種外,將體驗、娛樂、教育的理念融入經營核心,每年度舉辦超過400場活動,每年大型活動如愛.Sharing、藝想嘉年華、大氣球遊行&OPEN RUN、跨年晚會等,皆吸引國內外顧客熱情參與。

