
Airland, the Hong Kong furniture brand, is made up of a combination of “AIR” and “LAND”, which implies persistence and ever lasting qualities in the Chinese culture.

Established in 1966, Airland’s motto is “Quality [is the] foundation of the brand; technology creates the future.” The brand makes every effort to provide the most comfortable bedding products with highest quality for every customer.

Proof of the brand’s outstanding product quality can be seen with Airland capturing the largest share in the Hong Kong spring mattress market from 1993 to 2014.

With over 50 years of progressive development, Airland has become a well-established manufacturer and brand of mattress and bedding products. Beyond Hong Kong, the brand’s sales network and production has been extended to Mainland China and other international markets. Airland has over 2,000 showrooms and franchised stores throughout China and Hong Kong, providing over 2,000,000,000 consumers with a comfortable sleep every year.

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