
Amarula is Africa in a bottle. A premium spirit with an exotic, natural taste made from the fruit of the sacred Marula trees that grow wild and uncultivated in the subequatorial regions of Africa.

Handpicked by local communities, naturally fermented and distilled in copper pot stills, the spirit is matured for 2 years in aged oak. The wood spice characteristics of vanilla and caramel are naturally extracted, and further enhanced by the addition of cream, for a rich and velvety smooth taste.

Introduced in 1983, Amarula has grown into a world leader and is enjoyed in more than 100 countries on all continents.

Amarula has always been celebrated for its firm commitment to quality, with 17 international spirit awards over the last three decades, including the annual Gold Liqueur Masters Award at Global Spirits Masters competition.

The brand works through initiatives like the Amarula Trust that was created in 2002 to raise funds as a non-profit organisation, to conserve and protect Africa’s natural wildlife. In 2016, the Amarula Trust formed a partnership with global conservation organisation Wildlife Direct, with the shared vision to drive conservation through education in the community.

With an elephant disappearing every 15 minutes, by 2030 Africa’s elephants could be extinct. With less than 400,000 elephants left in Africa, the brand is working to help protect them and Africa’s heritage, so that in years to come, we can continue to meet these majestic creatures beneath the Marula trees.

To raise awareness worldwide in 2017, Amarula launched limited edition bottles without the iconic African Elephant to put an end to the ivory trade. #DontLetThemDisappear

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