Beijing Tong Ren Tang

Founded in 1669 (the 8th year of the Kangxi Emperor’s reign), Tong Ren Tang has a history over 340 years while being the imperial medicine supplier for eight Emperors of the Qing Dynasty over 188 years. Over time, Tong Ren Tang constantly complies with its traditional production motto: “Despite the complexity of processing herbal medicines, no compromise on cost and labour. Despite the rareness of medicine ingredients, no compromise on quality and standards.”

China Beijing Tong Ren Tang Group Co., Ltd. (“the Group”), was established in 1992 and has a heritage spirit of “Serving the people and cultivating benevolence.” Besides inheriting the art of manufacturing traditional Chinese medicine (“TCM” ), the Group has also merged its business with modernised production and management processes. The Group set its business objective to be “Lasting Longer, Being Stronger, Doing Better and Getting bigger” and a development strategy of “Being the best reputable group of Modern Chinese Pharmaceutical in the world through focusing on developing health and wellbeing business.” Today, it has developed into a pharmaceutical corporate group with six 2nd tier corporations, three listed companies, 28 production centres, over 2,000 retailing spots, while the business has been focused on “modernising manufacturing, retailing and medical services.” In addition, the Group has also set up its R&D centre, TCM hospital, and education centre, for supporting its continuous development.

Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Company Ltd. (“BTRTCM”) is one of the 2nd tier corporations of the Group, headquartered in Hong Kong. The company was established in 2004, and is responsible for overseas business management and development, including all overseas businesses such as wholesaling, retailing, investment, import and export trade, product development, brand management and cultural promotion. In 2006, the first cross-boundary manufacturing and R&D plant of Beijing Tong Ren Tang was built at Tai Po in Hong Kong. BTRTCM was successfully listed on GEM of the Stock Exchange in Hong Kong in May 2013. It further supports BTRTCM’s sustainable development and business expansion across the globe.

With its “unique recipes, top-quality raw materials, excellent workmanship, and evident curative effect”, Beijing Tong Ren Tang maintains a good reputation all over the world. Its products can be found almost everywhere. It is estimated by the end of 2016, the business would be spread across over 26 countries and regions out of China, with over 130 drug stores, TCM medical centres and healthcare centres.

Looking forward, Beijing Tong Ren Tang is prepared for embracing challenges, uniting the traditional production procedures with modern techniques, and further contributing to the development of TCM.

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同仁堂,創建於清康熙八年(1669年), 至今已有三百四十多年歷史,自雍正元年起至清末,作為清朝皇家御藥長達一百八十八年之久。一直以來,歷代同仁堂都謹守「炮製雖繁必不敢省人工;品味雖貴必不敢減物力」的傳統製藥古訓,以「配方獨特、選料上乘、工藝精湛、療效顯著」的產品享譽海內外。

1992年,中國北京同仁堂(集團)有限責任公司 (「集團公司」)於北京成立,秉承了「同修仁德,濟世養生」的企業精神,至今已成為擁有六大二級集團、三家上市公司、二十八個生產基地、國內外兩千多家零售終端的現代中醫藥企業集團,「以現代中藥為核心,發展生命健康產業,成為國際知名的現代中醫藥集團」為發展戰略,把業務集中於「現代製藥、零售商業、醫療服務」三大板塊;同時在北京也設立了三個院,包括研究院、中醫院、教育院,以支持業務的持續發展。

北京同仁堂國藥有限公司(「國藥公司」)是集團公司旗下六大二級集團之一,總部設在香港,於2004年成立,專門負責北京同仁堂境外市場的業務發展和管理,包括境外零售批發商業發展、對外投資業務、進出口貿易、品牌管理及文化推廣、產品開發等工作。2006年在香港大埔建立工廠,為同仁堂在北京以外的第一家生產研發基地。並於2013年5月, 國藥公司成功在香港聯交所創業版上市,為公司未來境外業務發展起了積極作用。


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