SB Design Square

SB Design Square is one of the largest furniture and home decoration retailers in Thailand. The brand manifesto is to be the centre of home design solutions, providing a variety of quality designed furniture, decorations, and interior design solutions. The strength of the brand’s position lies partly on the early success of its furniture brand – SB Furniture, established in Thailand in 1983. SB Furniture has heavily invested in creating brand differentiation that relates to consumers’ unmet needs such as customised furniture and free interior designer consultation.

The SB Design Square brand values are responsive to consumer insights. One important insight has been that each individual has his or her own ideal living requirements. Thereby, SB Design Square consistently conveyed to customers through our products, services, and communications, which underlines the company’s drive in the business. As an expert in home design solutions, the brand must make a transformation from “inspirations” to “reality”. Our mission to offer our customers with variety of designs, high quality products, and total home services solutions have thus become the brand’s cornerstones.

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