
Anointed as the founder of the Thai beer industry, Phraya Bhirom Bhakdi built the Kingdom’s first brewery in 1933. He named it Boon Rawd Brewery. Before the establishment of Boon Rawd Brewery, beer had never before existed for public consumption in Thailand. It took confidence, dedication, perseverance and shrewd marketing ingenuity for Singha Beer to endear itself – as a beverage and as a brand – to the people of Thailand.

Singha is a premium quality lager beer brewed from the finest ingredients with 100% Barley Malt and Saaz Hops, the highest quality hops in the world. Full bodied and rich in taste, with strong hops character, the flavour of Singha is exotic and perfectly complements the wonderful taste of all cuisines.

Thus, “Singha Beer, the No. 1 Original Thai Beer since 1933,” reaches out for lasting friendships, offering its authentic taste to people across the globe.

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